Why can’t an individual order Canyon Bikes from Germany to South Africa?
Canyon was available to order online for three years through the Canyon global online platform. However, due to numerous complications, this process was discontinued. South Africa has a complicated import process; for all imports above R50,000, an import license is required. Obtaining this license through SARS as a registered company is time-consuming and expensive, which very few South Africans possess. Since most Canyon bikes are worth more than R50,000, this became a constant issue for clients.
Additionally, South African clients were often unaware of the extra import costs for bicycles, leading to frustration and large invoices upon the bikes' arrivals at SA customs.
Due to these stressful experiences, Canyon decided not to sell bicycles directly to South Africa anymore and to only sell through Erik, a longstanding Canyon ambassador and employee.
Why is the SA pricing higher? / What are the ‘hidden’ costs?
Importing bicycles into South Africa incurs several additional costs. The biggest reason is the 15% import duties charged on complete bikes. To avoid confusion about the cost of Canyon bikes in South Africa, we try to communicate the final SA pricing clearly on this platform and with every request. However, the European pricing on the German website can give clients a false impression when simply multiplied by the exchange rate.
Your total bicycle cost will include:
- 15% import duties
- € 370 courier fee for bike transport
- Bank charges of 20-30 cents per Euro more than the online exchange rate
- Import customs costs
- UPS handling fee
- Our handling fee (only a small percentage and way less than the margin of general South African bicycle shops)