R250 | Minimum labour charge   

Including all “Can you quickly…” and “My bike is making a noise…” jobs

R500 | Minor Service

Includes: Gear set, Brake set, bolt check, wash and lube, polish, minor headset and BB service and a full assessment of the bicycle.

R850 | Major Service

Includes: Gear set, Brake set, bolt check, wash and lube, polish, pivot and bearing assessment, pivot-, BB-, hub- and headset service, sealant top up, wheel true, new gear- and brake (if needed) cables and a full assessment of the bicycle.

R1800 | Strip Down Service

Includes: Strip down, clean and replace of any moving parts (if needed), Gear set, Brake set, bolt check, wash and lube, polish, pivot and bearing assessment, BB-, hub- and headset service, sealant top up, ddwheel true, new gear- and brake (if needed) cables and a full assessment of the bicycle

R150 | Wash, Lube & Polish

R150 | Brake Bleed Lever - Per brake

R200 | Brake Bleed Complete - Per Brake

R800 | Wheel Build

R180 | Wheel True

R450 | Linkage Service

R1500 | Bike Strip / Build

R150 | Sealant Top-Up Per wheel

*All services excluding replacement parts